Office of the Treasurer


Sherine Miller

1 (269) 381-8081 Ext. 116
1720 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49004
Sunday - Closed
Monday -Thursday: 8:30AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:30AM - 1:30 PM
Saturday: Closed


By the power of MCL 41.76, the treasurer is responsible for collecting taxes, tracking the revenues and expenditures, issuing township checks, overseeing township investments, and depositing township revenues in approved depositories. In addition to these duties, the individual must be bonded and appoint a deputy. Read the full legislative act for more details about the duties of the township treasurer. The treasurer is also a voting member of the Township Board of Trustees.

Property Tax FAQs

How do I find out about delinquent property tax?

Property tax information can be found online here: Home | Kalamazoo Township | BS&A Online (

What does “assessed value” mean?

Your Assessed Value represents approximately half of what the Township Assessor’s Office believes the property to be worth. Learn more about assessed values and taxable values.

How do I file for an extension on my tax payments?

Under the authority of Public Act 206 of 1893; MCL 211.51, you may find information and the application to request to defer your taxes on the Michigan Department of Treasury’s website. You must apply before the summer and winter tax due dates to receive an extension. You must submit your application to the Township for consideration. A valid deferment application allows you to pay your property taxes later as long as that deadline is set.

When are my property taxes due?

Summer Taxes

Summer tax statements are mailed by July 1 and are due no later than September 14.

Winter Taxes

Winter tax statements are mailed by December 1 and are due no later than February 14.

How can I pay my property taxes?

Pay at the Township Hall – 1720 Riverview Drive

The township hall is open to the public during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday) to collect tax payments. Checks are preferred, but cash is accepted. Payments may also be made by card. There is a drop box located at the handicapped entrance on the right side of the door. Please do not put cash payments in the drop box.

Payment FAQ’s:

  • Payments made by card incur a 2.8% processing fee with a minimum of $1.50.
  • Card payments will display on your payment statement as “Pnp Bill Payment”.
  • Checks should be made payable to Charter Township of Kalamazoo.
  • Payments in the drop box at 8:00 a.m. will be processed with prior day’s posting date.

Pay Online

Pay your current property taxes online through the BS&A Tax Online Payment Service.

Online Payment FAQ’s:

  • Payments made by card incur a 2.8% processing fee with a minimum of $1.50.
  • Payments made by e-check will incur a $3.00 processing fee.
  • Online payments will display on your payment statement as “Pnp Bill Payment”.
  • E-Check Payments up $10,000.00 will incur a processing fee $1.50
  • E-Check payments over $10,000.00 will incur a processing fee of $10.00

Mail Payment

Checks should be made payable to Charter Township of Kalamazoo and mailed to: Charter Township of Kalamazoo Treasurer 1720 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49004

Postmarks are not accepted for payment posting.

If mailing a check without payment coupon, please write parcel number or address on your check.

How do I find my tax and parcel information?

Current parcel and tax information can be found by visiting the BS&A website and using the search function at the top of the page.

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