Due to Inclement Weather, Kalamazoo Township will be Closed on Thursday, December 5th. We plan to Reopen on Friday, December 5th. Stay Safe!

  ## This evening's Planning Commission meeting is also Canceled.  

FAQ Topic: Business

What is the history of Medical Marijuana in Michigan?

In 2008, Michigan voters voted to allow the medical use of marihuana within prescribed parameters for the alleviation of certain medical conditions. Thereafter, the Michigan Legislature adopted the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA), that regulates the use of marihuana for medical purposes by qualifying patients and primary caregivers. The use of medical marihuana as allowed … Continued

Do I have to register my business with the Township?

According to Township Ordinance 443, applications for new business registrations shall be made to the Township prior to the commencement of business. Complete the Township of Kalamazoo Business Registration Form and submit it to Fire Marshal Todd Kowalski via email (tckowalski@ktwp.org) or mail to 1720 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49004.

Can I operate my food truck or trailer in the Township?

Mobile food trucks and trailers used within the Charter Township of Kalamazoo are required to meet certain minimum standards for general safety, according to the Mobile Food Trucks and Trailer Fire Safety Requirements Ordinance. The Kalamazoo Township Fire Prevention Bureau Application for Mobile Food Vehicles can be found at the bottom of the ordinance.

How do I report a housing code violation?

Fill out the Housing and Building Complaint Form online or download the form and return it to the Township Manager (manager@ktwp.org) at 1720 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49004.

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