On Friday, February 14, the last day to pay property taxes without penalties, the Township Hall will be open from 8:30 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. 

Recycling & Sanitation FAQ

What is acceptable to put out for bulk trash pickup?

Regulations for Bulk Trash Pick Up


  • This pick-up is intended to help you get rid of the things you can’t fit in your trash container. It is not a substitute for garbage service If you have some smaller items they should be in a bin, box or clear heavy duty plastic bag, contents must be visible
  • Bags and containers must weigh less than 50 lbs.
  • Larger items such as: Furniture, toys, bicycles, appliances*, home fixtures and any other items as long as they are considered non-hazardous (and can be lifted by two people).
  • A very limited amount, (no more than 1 cubic yard), of building materials: doors, sections of fencing – must be cut down to fit into the truck, (4’ lengths) and can be lifted by one person
  • Latex Paints – Paint must be dried up in containers (used sawdust, kitty litter or just leave the can open for a few days)
  • Wheel rims and small car parts
  • Mattresses must be wrapped in plastic. Unwrapped mattresses will not be accepted.

Republic Services picks up most things placed at the curb as long as it is prepared in “Manageable Bundles”, clear bags, boxes and containers. They are not allowed to unload vehicles or trailers. The exceptions are below.


  • Large Plastic Drums
  • Concrete
  • Large pieces of Metal
  • “Yard Waste”
  • Liquid Waste or Hazardous Waste
  • Tires (Tires may be accepted if they are cut up in flat pieces)
  • Tires on Rims
  • Non-Latex Paints & Varnishes
  • Motor Oil & Solvents
  • Any Batteries
  • Unwrapped mattresses
  • Regulated medical Waste
  • Large car parts such as: Engine blocks, bodies, oversize hoods & doors
  • Building demolition: While they will take certain amounts of construction debris, they will not be able to remove large volumes such as: Garage or House demolition that would normally require a construction style dumpster.
  • Appliances that contain Freon, such as: *Refrigerators & Air Conditioners These items can be accepted if the Freon is removed and the appliance is “tagged” by a licensed facility that the Freon is removed.

When is my recycling pickup?

Pickup occurs every other week. Place the wheeled recycling cart curbside on the evening before your scheduled pickup day, with handles facing your house, and retrieve your empty cart by the end of your collection day. Report all missed pickups by the end of the following business day. More information about recycling pickups and dates can be found on the recycling calendar.

What should I do if I missed leaf and brush pickup?

If you missed leaf and brush pick up, you can:

  1. Take them in bags to a drop-off site, where you empty your bags for a modest fee at:
    • Republic Services Transfer Station, 3432 Gembrit Circle (269) 216-8000
    • Best Way Transfer Station, 2606 Miller Road (800) 950-5519
    • Mulders Landscaping, 3333 Ravine Road (269) 345-6900
  2. Compost them in your yard to create black gold.
  3. Search the internet for a commercial yard waste service that will clean up and dispose of your yard waste for you.

What should I do if Republic missed a bulk or recycling pickup?

Any missed bulk or recycling pickups should be reported to the Township before the end of the next business day.  Report a missed pickup online or by calling (269) 381-8080.

What day will my recycling be picked up?

Enter your address on the Republic Services website to view your holiday and pickup schedule.

What can I recycle using the recycling cart?

For information regarding what can be recycled, reference the Republic Services Recycling Guide.

What are the rates for garbage pickup?

  • Medium-size garbage cart (65) gallons: $29.78/quarter or $119.11/year
    This default size is a popular, flexible-sized option
  • Large-size garbage cart (95) gallons: $30.11/quarter or $120.45/year
  • A yard waste cart (95)gallons, if elected, costs $113.57 per season (April through November)

What if I take my trash to my work or share a cart with a neighbor, do I have to get a cart?

No, if you don’t produce much trash, good for you! You can share a cart with a neighbor, or if you are allowed to take your trash to your place of business, you can do that.

What day will my garbage be picked up?

Republic Services will inform you of your pick up day. (Garbage, yard waste and recycling may be on different days of the week.)

How do I start garbage or yard waste service?

To start service, please call Republic Services customer service at (888) 249-5112 or your local Republic Services Account Representative at (269) 216-8000.  You may also start your services by visiting the Republic Services website.

How do I dispose of household hazardous waste and chemicals?

Dispose of hazardous waste at the Household Hazardous Waste Center located at 1302 Lamont Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49048. Find more information about drop-off hours and items accepted on the Kalamazoo County Government Household Hazardous Waste Center website.

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