Service name

Service description.


Deadline to apply is xyz.


  • x
  • y
  • z

Who can apply

  • x
  • y
  • z

Steps to apply

  • x
  • y
  • z


For questions or support, contact:

  • Phone: 555-555-5555
  • Email:

Frequently asked questions

Additional voting information can be found at the Office of the Kalamazoo County Clerk Elections and Voting page and the Michigan Voter Information Center.

Kalamazoo Charter Township and the Kalamazoo Area Building Authority (KABA) are committed to exceptional customer service related to solar permitting. Some key points regarding our commitment to solar energy:

  • Residential solar permit applications will receive a streamlined review. You can apply for a building permit online using the Citizen Self-Service portal. If you do not have access to a computer, use this one-page solar permit application for solar permits.
  • A zoning permit is only required for ground-mounted arrays. Use the Citizen Self-Service portal to apply for a zoning permit. Once you are in the system, click on the option for an accessory structure. A solar array is considered an accessory structure, and zone district setback standards for accessory structures must be followed. If you do not have access to the internet, you can use the paper zoning application.
  • A checklist has been provided to assist the customer. Find the checklist here.
  • Our staff is committed to a “less than three-business day” turnaround time for small rooftop solar PV permit applications.
  • We will offer an inspection appointment time for solar ( as opposed to an appointment window)
  • The inspection checklist is available here. This will assist the client with efficiently passing site inspections. Request a 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM appointment time for solar inspections.
  • Only one inspection is required for roof top solar projects. If ground mount solar has an in-ground post or footer, we require one inspection for the footer depth and then one other inspection for the final. We are committed to providing inspections within 48 hours of the request. Under normal conditions inspections typically occur within 24 hours of the request.


Property located within Kalamazoo Township is designated by a Zoning District, as part of the Zoning Ordinance. To determine what a permitted use would be for a given property, you need to know the Zoning classification, which can be found via Assessing records or by viewing the Township’s Zoning Map, located on the Township’s website.

Construction permits (building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing) are handled through the Kalamazoo Area Building Authority (KABA). Construction trade permits begin with KABA and are then subsequently routed to the Township for all applicable reviews. KABA can be reached at: 269-216-9511 or by visiting

The public right-of-way (area between the edge of the street and the property line) is under the jurisdiction of the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC). All work done in the public right-of-way requires approval from the Road Commission.

Building setbacks are dependent on the Zoning District in which the property is located. Building setbacks can be viewed in the Township Zoning Ordinance, Article 25.

If the square footage of the shed is less than 200, no permit is required. A permit is required for a shed/detached accessory building that is greater than 200 square feet.

No permit is required to install a fence. Fences may not exceed six (6) feet in height. Fences may be placed up to the property line, except for on a corner lot: corner lots require fences to be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet back from the property line on the non-addressed roadway. The more finished side of the fence is required to be faced outwards towards adjacent property. Fences must be maintained in good condition. For further stipulations regarding fences, please refer to the Township Zoning Ordinance, Article 6.

Yes! Charter Township of Kalamazoo approved this living plan on May 9, 2022. Access the full action plan and learn more about what the township is doing to reduce our carbon footprint.

Regulations for Bulk Trash Pick Up


  • This pick-up is intended to help you get rid of the things you can’t fit in your trash container. It is not a substitute for garbage service If you have some smaller items they should be in a bin, box or clear heavy duty plastic bag, contents must be visible
  • Bags and containers must weigh less than 50 lbs
  • Larger items such as: Furniture, toys, bicycles, appliances*, home fixtures and any other items as long as they are considered non-hazardous (and can be lifted by two people).
  • A very limited amount, (no more than 1 cubic yard), of building materials: doors, sections of fencing – must be cut down to fit into the truck, (4’ lengths) and can be lifted by one person
  • Latex Paints – Paint must be dried up in containers (used sawdust, kitty litter or just leave the can open for a few days)
    Wheel rims and small car parts

Republic Services picks up most things placed at the curb as long as it is prepared in “Manageable Bundles”, clear bags, boxes and containers. They are not allowed to unload vehicles or trailers. The exceptions are below.


  • Large Plastic Drums
  • Concrete
  • Large pieces of Metal
  • “Yard Waste”
  • Liquid Waste or Hazardous Waste
  • Tires (Tires may be accepted if they are cut up in flat pieces)
  • Tires on Rims
  • Non-Latex Paints & Varnishes
  • Motor Oil & Solvents
  • Any Batteries
  • Regulated medical Waste
  • Large car parts such as: Engine blocks, bodies, oversize hoods & doors
  • Building demolition: While they will take certain amounts of construction debris, they will not be able to remove large volumes such as: Garage or House demolition that would normally require a construction style dumpster.
  • Appliances that contain Freon, such as: *Refrigerators & Air Conditioners These items can be accepted if the Freon is removed and the appliance is “tagged” by a licensed facility that the Freon is removed.

Pickup occurs every other week. Place the wheeled recycling cart curbside on the evening before your scheduled pickup day, with handles facing your house, and retrieve your empty cart by the end of your collection day. Report all missed pickups by the end of the following business day. More information about recycling pickups and dates can be found on the recycling calendar.

If you missed leaf and brush pick up, you can:

  1. Take them in bags to a drop-off site, where you empty your bags for a modest fee at:
    • Republic Services Transfer Station, 3432 Gembrit Circle (269) 216-8000
    • Best Way Transfer Station, 2606 Miller Road (800) 950-5519
    • Mulders Landscaping, 3333 Ravine Road (269) 345-6900
  2. Compost them in your yard to create black gold.
  3. Search the internet for a commercial yard waste service that will clean up and dispose of your yard waste for you.

The origin of Kalamazoo Township (first known as Arcadia Township) dates back to April 3, 1832, when the first meeting of qualified voters was held to organize a government for this area. This meeting was held at the home of Titus Bronson. Until the 1900’s, meetings were held only a few times a year.

When Michigan became a state in 1837, there were 1,373 residents in Kalamazoo Township. The 1870’s and 1880’s brought waves of modernization to Kalamazoo Township. Paper and furniture production, manufacturing of carts and carriages, and the introduction of celery as a major agricultural crop made Kalamazoo the center of commerce in this region.

As we passed through the 1900’s and up to the present date, the range and quality of services provided by Kalamazoo Township became more extensive and refined. These services include: a police department, four fire stations, complete building and inspection services, as well as a planning and zoning board and bimonthly board meetings to ensure a healthy future for our Township. As a result of such foresight, the future looks bright for the Charter Township of Kalamazoo and its residents.

Voter assist terminals are touch-screen, accessible machines that print your voting selections on a ballot card that you can verify before you feed it into the tabulator. Anyone may use the voter assist terminals.  Watch the video to learn more!

Watch the video to become more familiar with our voting equipment.

The following neighborhood associations are active in the Township of Kalamazoo.  Please check in with each individual association to confirm meetings and scheduled events.


The following attached ordinance was adopted by the Kalamazoo Township Board on November 27, 2017 with an amendment changing the application date from December 1, 2017 to March 1, 2018.The Ordinance sets no limit for the number of marijuana facilities located in the Township. The number of facilities may be limited by the number of parcels available that meet the zoning requirements. See Ordinance 591 for more detailed information.

In 2008, Michigan voters voted to allow the medical use of marihuana within prescribed parameters for the alleviation of certain medical conditions. Thereafter, the Michigan Legislature adopted the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA), that regulates the use of marihuana for medical purposes by qualifying patients and primary caregivers. The use of medical marihuana as allowed by the MMMA has been ongoing since 2008 and continues to be allowed by law in Michigan.

In 2016, the Michigan legislature enacted a group of statutes that authorized commercial medical marihuana facilities, developed a tracking system for medical marihuana and expanded the definition of medical marihuana to include edibles and other types of marihuana. The Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (MMFLA) authorizes the establishment and operation of five types of commercial medical marihuana facilities: growers, processors, secure transporters, safety compliance facilities and provisioning centers. The MMFLA allows a municipality to decide if the municipality wants to allow any or all of the five types of commercial medical marihuana facilities to establish in the municipality. If the municipality wants to allow any of the five types of commercial facilities, the municipality must adopt an ordinance to “opt in” to allowing commercial medical marihuana facilities. Additionally, if a municipality does decide to “opt in” and allow commercial medical marihuana facilities, the municipality may decide what types of facilities and the permitted number of each type. The municipality should also adopt zoning ordinance regulations to specify what zoning districts commercial medical marihuana facilities may locate in and whether the zoning approval will be by a permitted use or a special use process.

The MMFLA (PA 281 of 2016, as amended) was effective on 12/20/16; the State of Michigan will begin accepting applications for licenses for commercial medical marihuana facilities on 12/15/17. As that date approaches, many municipalities, including Kalamazoo Charter Township, have reviewed the possibility of allowing medical marihuana facilities within their jurisdiction. Kalamazoo Charter Township’s discussions have included input from the Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, township police department, township attorney and a number of interested residents and potential business owners that have attended a number of Township Board work sessions and meetings over the last several months. As a culmination of the months long review process, the Kalamazoo Charter Township Board voted on November 13, 2017 to “opt in” and allow all five types of commercial medical marihuana facilities in the Township. Currently, the Township Planning Commission is working to develop zoning ordinance regulations to identify appropriate locations for the facilities, along with the recommended approval process. The Township’s zoning approval process will most likely include consideration of security issues, lighting, hours of operation, landscaping or buffering requirements, traffic impacts, spacing of marihuana facilities and setbacks from residential uses.

The Township’s Zoning Ordinance for Medical Marijuana Facilities (Ordinance 595) went through a public hearing with the Planning Commission on February 8, 2020, and was given to the Board of Trustees for first reading on February 12, 2020. The Board of Trustees voted to adopt  the ordinance at a special meeting on February 20, 2020. See the map to review the Kalamazoo Township zoning and approximate buffer zones.


Create a Smart911 Safety Profile and once you have signed up, first responders will be aware of important information you have provided that will help Police, Fire, and EMS locate and help you in an emergency.

Smart911 is a service that allows residents to create a free Safety Profile for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 and first responders to have in the event of an emergency.

With Smart911, you can provide 9-1-1 call takers and first responders critical information you want them to know in any kind of emergency.

When you call 9-1-1, your Smart911 Safety Profile displays on the 9-1-1 screen and the 9-1-1 call takers can view your addresses, medical information, home information, description of pets and vehicles, and emergency contacts. You can provide as much or as little information as you like.

Smart911 is a national service, meaning your Smart911 Safety Profile travels with you and is visible to any participating 9-1-1 center nationwide.


For updated information about the location of the next Board of Trustees Meeting, visit the Board of Trustees Meetings webpage.

Board meetings are also televised live on Charter Communications channel 190 and AT&T U-verse 99, and are rebroadcast on the following days and times:

    • Monday 8:00 a.m.
    • Thursday 1:00 a.m.
    • Friday 3:00 p.m.

Meetings may also be viewed online live or replayed at

For information about the next Board of Trustees meeting, please visit the Board of Trustees Meetings webpage.

Michigan State Law requires all dogs to be rabies vaccinated and licensed at four (4) months of age and that dogs must be licensed within 30 days of obtaining ownership or within 30 days of the dog turning 4 months of age. Kalamazoo County Animal Services and Enforcement sells dog licenses all year.  Licenses may be purchased in-person (by appointment only) or via mail: 1316 Lamont Ave, Kalamazoo, MI 49048.  Renewal licenses may also be purchased through the online portal.  For more information, visit the Kalamazoo County Animal Services and Enforcement website.

The Michigan Liquor Control Commission processes requests for retail, manufacturer & wholesaler, and special liquor licenses.

If you are a resident of Kalamazoo Township and you are interested in serving on one or more boards or commissions, fill out the Application for Kalamazoo Township Boards & Commissions and return to the Township Supervisor’s Office via mail at 1720 Riverview Drive, fax (269) 381-6930, or email (

According to Township Ordinance 443, applications for new business registrations shall be made to the Township prior to the commencement of business. Complete the Township of Kalamazoo Business Registration Form and submit it to Fire Marshal Todd Kowalski via email ( or mail to 1720 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49004.

Search for a burial site based on name, date of interment, or veteran status by visiting the Pontem burial search website.

Refer to the map of the approximate neighborhood boundaries to determine in which neighborhood you reside.

Any missed bulk or recycling pickups should be reported to the Township before the end of the next business day.  Report a missed pickup online or by calling (269) 381-8080.

Enter your address on the Republic Services website to view your holiday and pickup schedule.

For information regarding what can be recycled, reference the Republic Services Recycling Guide.

  • Medium-size garbage cart (65) gallons: $29.78/quarter or $119.11/year
    This default size is a popular, flexible-sized option
  • Large-size garbage cart (95) gallons: $30.11/quarter or $120.45/year
  • A yard waste cart (95)gallons, if elected, costs $113.57 per season (April through November)

No, if you don’t produce much trash, good for you! You can share a cart with a neighbor, or if you are allowed to take your trash to your place of business, you can do that.

Republic Services will inform you of your pick up day. (Garbage, yard waste and recycling may be on different days of the week.)

To start service, please call Republic Services customer service at (888) 249-5112 or your local Republic Services Account Representative at (269) 216-8000.  You may also start your services by visiting the Republic Services website.

Dispose of hazardous waste at the Household Hazardous Waste Center located at 1302 Lamont Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49048. Find more information about drop-off hours and items accepted on the Kalamazoo County Government Household Hazardous Waste Center website.

There are two full-service hospitals in the Kalamazoo Area: 

Ascension Borgess Hospital
1521 Gull Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49048
Phone: (269) 226-7000

Bronson Methodist Hospital
601 John Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Phone: (269) 341-7654

One method of public transportation is Kalamazoo Metro. For more information about Bus, Metro Connect, Metro Share, and Rideshare on the Kalamazoo Metro website.

The Kalamazoo Metro provides public transportation services to the Kalamazoo Metro Area.  Find more information about bus routes, stops, and a trip planner on the Kalamazoo Metro website.

Your Assessed Value represents approximately half of what the Township Assessor’s Office believes the property to be worth. Learn more about assessed values and taxable values.

Yes. The Road Commission of Kalamazoo County Application to Construct in Right-of-Way must be completed and submitted to the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County. Please allow 10-14 business days for review and processing applications to construct in the right-of-way, unless otherwise noted in State statute.  A permit is not valid until you receive the approved permit with a signature and permit number. To submit your application online or to ask questions regarding the application process, contact

Yes! The Grand Prairie Golf Course is located at 3620 Grand Prairie Road.

A map of all Township parks locations on the Township website can help you identify the nearest Township of Kalamazoo park.

See the list of area Little League programs below:

Follow the links or contact individual programs for registration and boundary information.

Yes.  According to Zoning Ordinance Article 8, Section 8.02-P, you are required to complete the Township of Kalamazoo Garage Sale Permit Application and return it to the Township Ordinance Enforcement Officer for approval.

The Township is currently seeking requests for proposals, bids, or quotes.

Mowing and Trimming of Township Parks,  Designated Open Spaces  and Ordinance Mowing


A comprehensive list of employment opportunities can be found on the Human Resources page of the Township website.

You can apply to be a police officer by printing out the application and returning it to the Township of Kalamazoo Police Department at 1720 Riverview Drive.  You may also apply online, print out an application, or request more information about the hiring process.

Property owners are responsible to maintain their properties’ adjoining sidewalks in good condition, clear of obstructions, including snow, ice, and overgrown vegetation. Please help the larger community by looking out for neighbors who may be physically unable to maintain their sidewalk.

The Kalamazoo County Road Commission Tree Removal Policy indicates that the Kalamazoo County Road Commission will address trees that are found to be within the portion of the highway right-of-way that is designed for vehicular travel (i.e. a tree that falls within the traveled portion of the road) upon reasonable notice.

Consumers Energy Tree Removal Policies indicate Consumers Energy expert Tree Management Team follows established forestry guidelines to ensure that trees don’t interrupt service, using qualified line-clearance contractors to safely clear trees and vegetation that could interfere with power lines.

If the tree on your property does not fall within the KCRC or Consumers Energy tree removal policies, please check the yellow pages or search for tree removal services online.

The Charter Township of Kalamazoo offers a program to assist residential property owners with the replacement of sidewalk squares that are in disrepair. The Township may reimburse a property owner for 50% of the cost to repair sections of sidewalk determined by the Ordinance Enforcement Officer to be in disrepair. The maximum subsidy per parcel is $500. Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis until the Township’s annual Sidewalk Replacement Fund is exhausted. 

Sidewalk squares will be considered in disrepair if any of the following criteria exist:

  • Potholes of one or more inches in depth
  • A height difference of two or more inches in adjoining sections of sidewalks
  • Insufficient slope to adequately drain the water away from the surface

Applications are available online or by contacting the Township Ordinance Enforcement Office at 1 (269) 381-8080 Ext. 137


The Kalamazoo County Road Commission is responsible for maintenance and construction of local roads.  The Township is responsible for non-transportation uses of road rights of way, subsurface rights of way usage (i.e. utilities and communication systems), and law enforcement.

While townships in many other states have primary responsibility for local roads, in Michigan the county road commissions and townships share transportation-related responsibilities. Road commissions (and county boards of commissioners where road commission duties have been assumed by the county board) are responsible for maintenance and construction of local roads, while townships are responsible for non-transportation uses of road rights of way, sub-surface rights of way usage such as utilities and communication systems, and law enforcement. In spite of state law assigning maintenance and construction responsibility to road commissions, the state transportation fund doesn’t provide sufficient financial resources for road commissions to perform their responsibilities at a level acceptable to everyone. Consequently, township boards voluntarily contribute over $150 million per year to their county road commissions to support road projects in their respective townships.

To apply for a Solicitor’s Permit, fill out the License Application for Hawkers, Peddlers, Solicitors for Kalamazoo Township and return to the Township of Kalamazoo Police Department.  Your application will be reviewed by the Township Clerk, who will either approve or deny your application.

Under the authority of Public Act 206 of 1893; MCL 211.51, you may find information and the application to request to defer your taxes on the Michigan Department of Treasury’s website. You must apply before the summer and winter tax due dates to receive an extension. You must submit your application to the Township for consideration. A valid deferment application allows you to pay your property taxes later as long as that deadline is set.

Effective April 4, 2022,  all persons entering Kalamazoo Charter Township Building do not have to wear a mask. Kalamazoo Township supports adjusting mask recommendations as we cycle through periods of recovery. Masks will be available if needed.

Summer Taxes

Summer tax statements are mailed by July 1 and are due no later than September 14.

Winter Taxes

Winter tax statements are mailed by December 1 and are due no later than February 14.

Pay at the Township Hall – 1720 Riverview Drive

The township hall is open to the public during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday) to collect tax payments. Checks are preferred, but cash is accepted. Payments may also be made by card. There is a drop box located at the handicapped entrance on the right side of the door. Please do not put cash payments in the drop box.

Payment FAQ’s:

  • Payments made by card incur a 3% processing fee with a minimum of $1.50.
  • Card payments will display on your payment statement as “Pnp Bill Payment”.
  • Checks should be made payable to Charter Township of Kalamazoo.
  • Payments in the drop box at 8:00 a.m. will be processed with prior day’s posting date.

Pay Online

Pay your current property taxes online through the BS&A Tax Online Payment Service.

Online Payment FAQ’s:

  • Payments made by card incur a 3% processing fee with a minimum of $1.50.
  • Payments made by e-check will incur a $3.00 processing fee.
  • Online payments will display on your payment statement as “Pnp Bill Payment”.

Mail Payment

Checks should be made payable to Charter Township of Kalamazoo and mailed to: Charter Township of Kalamazoo Treasurer 1720 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49004

Postmarks are not accepted for payment posting.

If mailing a check without payment coupon, please write parcel number or address on your check.

Current parcel and tax information can be found by visiting the BS&A website and using the search function at the top of the page.

To search for and purchase a copy of a traffic crash report, visit LexisNexis BuyCrash | Home (

The Kalamazoo County Health & Community Services Department offers a free sharps collection service, including syringes and lancets.  No loose sharps or thin plastic containers.  Heavy duty plastic or medical sharps containers only.

Kalamazoo County Health & Community Services Department
311 E. Alcott Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Phone: (269) 373-5200


  • M, T, W, F: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • TH: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Yes! The Township of Kalamazoo Police Department has a RedMed Box located in the lobby.  RedMed Box is an easy and secure way to dispose of your unused or expired medication. Properly disposing unused and unwanted medications helps to protect the environment. It also helps to protect our community against prescription abuse, addiction, and accidental or intentional overdose.

Find more information about the RedMed Box program, locations, and accepted medications here: Red Med Box (

Election information for Michigan voters can be found at the Michigan Voter Information Center ( online.  Election information for Kalamazoo Township voters can be found here: Elections – Charter Township of Kalamazoo, MI (

This page will show you a sample ballot for any precinct in the State for the upcoming election. You can view your own sample ballot by checking the voter information section of this website.

Building permits and inspections are handled by the Kalamazoo Area Building Authority (KABA).

KABA mailing address:

Kalamazoo Area Building Authority
2322 Nazareth Road
Kalamazoo, MI  49048

Phone: (269) 216-9511
Fax: (269)290-9078

To find more information about how to file for public office, candidate filing requirements, and submission deadlines, please visit the following link: Secretary of State – Filing for Office.

  1. Sign-in with election workers to receive your ballot.
  2. Go to the voting booth and remove your ballot from the secrecy sleeve.
  3. Using only the provided writing device, fill in the ovals next to the candidates and initiatives you want to vote for. Be certain to check the reverse side of the ballot.
  4. If you wish to write-in a candidate, write the full name of the candidate in the lines provided. Then fill in the oval next to your write-in candidate’s name.
  5. For Primary Elections, vote for candidates in only one party. You may NOT split your ticket. This is NOT true in General Elections. You may vote for any political party or parties you wish.
  6. To ensure privacy, put your ballot back in its secrecy sleeve.
  7. Walk toward the voting machine where an election worker will remove the numbered tab from the top of your ballot. With just the remaining top or your ballot sticking out of the sleeve insert the ballot into the machine. The machine will automatically take the ballot.
  8. If the voting device beeps, look at the screen. It advises what problem was encountered with your ballot. Election Workers are available to assist you in solving the problem.
  9. You might be asked if you want to complete a new ballot. You may choose to accept the ballot as is, but your vote in the race with the problem will not be counted. If you voted in the Primary Election for candidates in different parties, the entire candidate section of your ballot will not be counted.
  10. If your ballot is rejected and you want to vote again, you will be provided with a new ballot. The “spoiled” ballots are retained in a special envelope.

If you have any questions, please ask one of the Election Workers. They are there to help you vote. They are not permitted to advise you on who or what to vote for, they are only permitted to advise you on the mechanics of how to cast your vote.

Any registered voter may request an absentee ballot without giving a reason.

Voters may request an absent voter ballot or accessible voter ballot in a variety of ways. Voters can complete an online application at Michigan Online Absent Voter Ballot Application ( or submit an application, large print application, letter, or postcard to:

           Kalamazoo Township Clerk
           1720 Riverview Drive
           Kalamazoo MI, 49004

Requests for absent voter ballots may be returned by hand, via postal mail, fax or email, as long as a signature is visible.

Requests to have an absent voter ballot mailed to you must be received by your clerk no later than 5 p.m. the Friday before the election. If you’re already registered at your current address, you can request an absent voter ballot in person at your clerk’s office anytime up to 4 p.m. on the day prior to the election, this ballot must be completed at the clerk’s office. If you’re registering to vote or updating your address by appearing at your clerk’s office on Election Day, you can request an absent voter ballot at the same time you register. If you request your AV ballot the day before the election or on Election Day, you must vote the ballot in the clerk’s office.

Once your request is received, your signature on the request will be checked against your voter registration record before a ballot is issued. You must be a registered voter to receive an absent voter ballot, but you can register and apply for an absent voter ballot at the same time.  Requests for absent voter ballots are processed immediately. Absent voter ballots may be issued to you at your home address or any address outside of your city or township of residence.

Place your voted, folded ballot into the secrecy sleeve, put the sleeve into the official postage-paid ballot return envelope, and seal it. For military and overseas voters, please refer to the Federal Voting Assistant Program guidance. Make sure you sign your ballot where indicated, and mail it in plenty of time so it arrives at the Township by Election Day.

You may also return your ballot in person at the Township Hall during business hours or at either of the following 24-hour dropbox locations:

  1. Township Hall, 1720 Riverview Drive, 49004, to the right of the entrance doors.
  2. Westwood Fire Station, 1310 Nichols Road

The emergency warning sirens were discontinued in 2019.  As an alternative, you may purchase a weather radio from the Township for $25.00 at 1720 Riverview Drive.  Please click here for more information.

Mobile food trucks and trailers used within the Charter Township of Kalamazoo are required to meet certain minimum standards for general safety, according to the Mobile Food Trucks and Trailer Fire Safety Requirements Ordinance. The Kalamazoo Township Fire Prevention Bureau Application for Mobile Food Vehicles can be found at the bottom of the ordinance.

Visit the Michigan Voter Information Center and fill in the information requested to find a map to your polling place.

According to the Township Outdoor Burning Ordinance (Ord. 597), burning leaves in the Township is prohibited.

Schedule a fire inspection with the Township Fire Marshal. You may also contact Fire Marshal Todd Kowalski directly to schedule your inspection.

Refer to the Township Fireworks Ordinance for specific information regarding the use of fireworks.  For more information about which fireworks are in compliance with Township ordinance and State of Michigan law, please refer to the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Reference Guide.

There are four fire stations located throughout the Township of Kalamazoo jurisdiction — Station 1 (Northwood), Station 2 (Eastwood), Station 3 (Lakewood), and Station 4 (Westwood).  Click here for the locations and contact information for each fire station.

You can apply to be a paid on-call firefighter by printing out the application and returning it to the Township Fire Chief at 1720 Riverview Drive.  You may also apply online, print out an application, or request more information about the hiring process.

To report an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.

To report a crime in progress, call 9-1-1.

To request to speak with an officer or to report a non-emergency, please call Non-Emergency Dispatch at (269) 488-8911.

If you would like to provide information about criminal activity anonymously, please contact Silent Observer by calling (269) 343-2100 or submitting a tip online.

To request a copy of a police report, submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the FOIA Coordinator by emailing or bringing a written request to the Township of Kalamazoo Administrative or Police Offices during business hours.

You may also fill out the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request Form online.

If you would like to commend an employee of the Township of Kalamazoo Police Department, please fill out the Officer Commendation Form.  You may also commend an employee by writing a letter to the Chief of Police or the Lieutenant of Support Services at the following address:

Township of Kalamazoo Police Department
1720 Riverview Drive
Kalamazoo, MI 49004

Verbal commendations may be given to any Department supervisor.

Upon submission, your comments will be reviewed by the concerned commanding officer(s), the Chief of Police, and the commended employee.

TKPD offers Identix (electronic scan)  and ink fingerprinting services.  Fingerprinting is by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Contact TKPD Records at (269) 567-7523 during business hours to schedule your appointment.

Fees (cash or check only)

Ink Fingerprints:

  • 1st Card $20.00
  • 2nd Card $10.00

Livescan Fingerprints:

  • Employment – $65.00
  • CPL – $15.00

If you are a Kalamazoo Township resident, turn in your firearm registration to the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Department at 1500 Lamont Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49048.

If you have additional questions, please click here or contact the Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Department Records Division at (269) 385-6190.

Michigan State Police Internet Criminal History Access Tool (ICHAT) is the only public resource for name-based Michigan criminal history background checks.  Click here for more detailed information.

A Personal Protection Order (PPO) is an order from the court that restrains a named individual from certain actions.  Otherwise commonly known as a “restraining order”, a PPO is effective when signed by a judge and served.  Michigan PPOs are enforceable by any law enforcement agency in the country.

A “do-it-yourself” PPO packet, containing instructions and all necessary forms, is available at the Circuit Court Trial Division, Michigan Avenue Courthouse, 227 W. Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (Enter the courthouse through the Church Street entrance, West side of building), 4th Floor, Room 401. Please call 269-385-6081 to schedule an appointment.

For help filling out your PPO packet, contact the Victim Advocate at the Kalamazoo County Prosecutor’s Office or staff members at the YWCA Shelter.

For more detailed information regarding acquisition and enforcement of PPOs, click here.

The Township of Kalamazoo Police Department accepts and investigates all complaints against our agency or employees to ensure we are providing the best possible service to our community.  If you would like to submit a complaint against the TKPD or any of its employees, please complete the TKPD Complaint Form.  You may also call (269) 567-7523 or stop at the Township of Kalamazoo Police Department during business hours to speak with a supervisor or submit a formal complaint.

To request additional traffic enforcement in any specific location within the Township, please fill out the Traffic Enforcement Request Form detailing the days of the week and times when your traffic concern is most prevalent.  Once submitted, the Patrol Division Lieutenant will be notified of your request.

Go to: and fill in the information requested to see if you are registered at your current address.

The General Election is Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.

This is an example of a FAQ on a department page.

If you have a Michigan driver’s license or state ID, you can register to vote or update your registration online.

Download, print and fill in a registration application, mail to Kalamazoo Township Clerk, 1720 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49004.

Come to the Township Hall at 1720 Riverview during regular business hours and register in person.

Building permits and inspections are handled by the Kalamazoo Area Building Authority (KABA).

KABA mailing address:

Kalamazoo Area Building Authority
2322 Nazareth Road
Kalamazoo, MI  49048

Phone: (269) 216-9511
Fax: (269)290-9078

For information about vehicle registration, visit the Michigan Secretary of State website.

Unfortunately, Community Room rentals are suspended until further notice.  Once reinstated, Community Room Rental Applications can be filled out online or downloaded and submitted to the Township Administrative Offices at 1720 Riverview Drive, Kalamazoo, MI 49004.

There is no public swimming pool within the Township of Kalamazoo.

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