Climate Committee


A climate emergency action plan was unanimously approved by the Kalamazoo Township Board on Monday April 11. A committee comprised of 3 board members and 5 township citizens worked for a year to create the plan with actionable steps towards carbon neutrality for our community. An automobile and light equipment purchase policy which requires consideration of EV or hybrid to be the first step when the township replaces vehicles and equipment was also unanimously adopted. Other highlights of the plan include: improving the energy efficiency of township buildings including the new Eastwood Fire Station; increasing the amount of energy derived from sustainable sources for our township buildings; plans for collaboration with other entities working on climate issues with a strong proposal for creating a county wide, paid, full time position dedicated to coordinating regional efforts to combat climate change; and working harder to keep citizens informed of progress as well as ways they can decrease their own carbon footprint and save money at the same time.

Committee Membership


  • Ashley Glass, trustee
  • Lisa Mackie, clerk
  • Craig Sherwood, township resident
  • Nicholette Leigh, township resident
  • Tom Stegink, township resident
  • Jennifer Drake, township resident
  • Tim Tesar, township resident
Recycling Resources
Electric Vehicles & Charging Infrastructure
Climate Resiliency Resources
Get Involved in Township Climate Action

What is Kalamazoo Township doing to go solar?

Kalamazoo Charter Township and the Kalamazoo Area Building Authority (KABA) are committed to exceptional customer service related to solar permitting. Some key points regarding our commitment to solar energy:

  • Residential solar permit applications will receive a streamlined review. You can apply for a building permit online using the Citizen Self-Service portal. If you do not have access to a computer, use this one-page solar permit application for solar permits.
  • A zoning permit is only required for ground-mounted arrays. Use the Citizen Self-Service portal to apply for a zoning permit. Once you are in the system, click on the option for an accessory structure. A solar array is considered an accessory structure, and zone district setback standards for accessory structures must be followed. If you do not have access to the internet, you can use the paper zoning application.
  • A checklist has been provided to assist the customer. Find the checklist here.
  • Our staff is committed to a “less than three-business day” turnaround time for small rooftop solar PV permit applications.
  • We will offer an inspection appointment time for solar ( as opposed to an appointment window)
  • The inspection checklist is available here. This will assist the client with efficiently passing site inspections. Request a 10:00 AM or 2:00 PM appointment time for solar inspections.
  • Only one inspection is required for roof top solar projects. If ground mount solar has an in-ground post or footer, we require one inspection for the footer depth and then one other inspection for the final. We are committed to providing inspections within 48 hours of the request. Under normal conditions inspections typically occur within 24 hours of the request.


Does the township have a climate action plan?

Yes! Charter Township of Kalamazoo approved this living plan on May 9, 2022. Access the full action plan and learn more about what the township is doing to reduce our carbon footprint.

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