Kalamazoo Township will be closed on Monday, January 20, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Day~


FAQ Topic: Payments & Taxes

What does “assessed value” mean?

Your Assessed Value represents approximately half of what the Township Assessor’s Office believes the property to be worth. Learn more about assessed values and taxable values.

How do I file for an extension on my tax payments?

Under the authority of Public Act 206 of 1893; MCL 211.51, you may find information and the application to request to defer your taxes on the Michigan Department of Treasury’s website. You must apply before the summer and winter tax due dates to receive an extension. You must submit your application to the Township for consideration. … Continued

When are my property taxes due?

Summer Taxes Summer tax statements are mailed by July 1 and are due no later than September 14. Winter Taxes Winter tax statements are mailed by December 1 and are due no later than February 14.

How can I pay my property taxes?

Pay at the Township Hall – 1720 Riverview Drive The township hall is open to the public during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday) to collect tax payments. Checks are preferred, but cash is accepted. Payments may also be made by card. … Continued

How do I pay a ticket?

Parking tickets may be paid at the Township of Kalamazoo Administrative Offices located at 1720 Riverview Drive.  For other tickets or citations, follow the instructions on the ticket to pay your ticket and/or appear for court.

How do I pay my water bill?

The Charter Township of Kalamazoo Water Bill goes through the City of Kalamazoo. Pay your water bill online.

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